Olympic Cleaning Service occasionally subcontracts with other cleaning companies to complete necessary cleaning/maintenance services. If you would like become a subcontractor for Olympic Cleaning Service, please complete and submit the qualification form below. You we will be contacted if the required service criteria are met and there is a subcontracting need in your area.
Business Name:
Contact First Name:
Contact Title:
Select State:
Zip Code:
Cell Phone:
Web Site:
Are you currently or have you in the past provided service for our company? Yes    No
Are you currently providing subcontracting services for another Janitorial Services Company? Yes    No
If so, whom?
Would you be willing to sign a non-compete agreement? Yes    No
Do you have a current business license?
Are you currently or have you in the past provided janitorial service to banks, schools, medical facilities or retail locations?
Can you immediately service one or more locations of 500 sq ft to 60,000 sq ft in your area?
How many employees do you have?
How many work crews /routes do you have?
Who supervises your work?
Do you have a back-fill procedure?
Do you have liability Insurance of at least one million dollars?
Do you have Worker’s Compensation?
Do you have access to a constant internet connection?
Do your supervisors have access to cell phones 24 hrs a day?
Does your office have a fax machine available 24 hrs a day?
Please provide 3 current satisfied customers:
  Business Name Contact Name Phone Number
Please fill in any additional comments below
Please fill out W-9 and fax to 209-462-4659
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